Sunday, August 18, 2024

DRINK DEEP, of the Grail, of (((WISDOM)))Dances on the beach.DREAM big. SPARKLE more. SHINE bright.

 PEOPLE SAY , I ACT, LIKE DON'T GIVE A FUCK. ASSN MOTHERFUCKERS... I'M NOT ACTING.'  Faces, Views, Noses, Chicks, Babes, Lots Of Luck, Lessons Daily: Angels.DRINK DEEP, of the Grail, of (((WISDOM)))Dances on the beach.DREAM big. SPARKLE more. SHINE bright.

ESCAPE PSYCHO CIRCUS:Just claiming you are a Christian doesn't make you one. I could claim I'm a horse but all could see by my actions I'm not.

 In the end, the greatest snowball isn’t a snowball at all. It’s fear, Merry The sperm is more than just a fluid, it is a container of genetic information. Meaning when a man ejaculates in a woman, he leaves behind DNA that is stored inside the woman and shared if she gets pregnant. If she aborts, more information is stored ESCAPE PSYCHO CIRCUS:Just claiming you are a Christian doesn't make you one. I could claim I'm a horse but all could see by my actions I'm not.

Believe me, if it was possible to bottle up time, then I am sure a fortune could be made, put a copywriter on it and take it to market, would be the order of the day, for a product like that. The Jerusalem Post:

Love, Lights, Lessons, Leaders On Top, Angels On Clouds, Glory Dazes To Come.DRINK DEEP, of the Grail, of (((WISDOM)))Dances on the beach.DREAM big. SPARKLE more. SHINE bright.

Broken, dreams, hopes, wings of the ...The Hidden Lives of Cows | Cows Used for Food | Factory . American Birds, fingers on hand, signs to say, buzz off ...Sometimes....Cycles, Circles, Seasons Of Joys: 20/20 Dreams 2 C...Beneath The Story: Holiday Hits And Misses, Moves...Lovers And Haters:

No photo description available.

FRIENDLY REMINDER THE HOLOCAUST WAS LEGAL SLAVERY WAS LEGAL.Sungevity, Spruce Power, Just my expertise,nightmares,Solar Lease and the UCC termination: Sungevity-Account No. 227047-Espinoza, Tony- 'Please satanise your hands.'Spruce Powers, the worst solar panel company in the USA. Do not engage. Do not complete. Do not accept. Transfer traded for terminations, not in this life.

No photo description available.

Daily Events: Lessons, Love, Luck, Tests Over Times: Paths Crossed: Trades.I'M NOT ANTI-SOCIAL, I'M SELECTIVELY SOCIAL THERE'S A DIFFERENCE.'Connected points of views, fish and frogs, dates in the garden of the dead, tales on the water.Exactly how many more gallons of semen does one need to swallow before they get their [HOONIGAN] sticker for their genesis coupe sent to them?

 In the end, the greatest snowball isn’t a snowball at all. It’s fear, Merry The sperm is more than just a fluid, it is a container of genetic information. Meaning when a man ejaculates in a woman, he leaves behind DNA that is stored inside the woman and shared if she gets pregnant. If she aborts, more information is stored ESCAPE PSYCHO CIRCUS:Just claiming you are a Christian doesn't make you one. I could claim I'm a horse but all could see by my actions I'm not.

Believe me, if it was possible to bottle up time, then I am sure a fortune could be made, put a copywriter on it and take it to market, would be the order of the day, for a product like that. The Jerusalem Post:

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