Monday, November 27, 2023

Leaders, Learners, Losers, Sometimes You Win, Lose, Learn, Coins, Cards, Cons, Walks Of Fame. Here's To Our Past, And Presents(s) Always.

If you spend most of your internet time arguing about why other people’s causes aren’t legitimate, you’re my #1 argument against all your pts.

The Rabbit Hole.Blame shifting might make you feel good but it won’t change youNone are more ,HOPELESSLY ENSLAVED ,than e who falsely BELIEVE they are free .The Struggle".

Men, Mice, Monsters, Faces In Shadows, Under The Sands, Gems To Find.

Stages Of Life: The Good, Bad, Ugly.From Primate to Politicians .Rachel Jarrot - Disney General Dyke in charge, lots of gays to dates, good time toads, Micky Mouse, and Don Duck. Entertainment Content - LinkedIn.

Men, Mice, Monsters, Faces In Shadows, Under The Sands, Gems To Find.
Leaders, Learners, Losers, Sometimes You Win, Lose, Learn, Coins, Cards, Cons, Walks Of Fame. Here's To Our Past, And Presents(s) Always.

Bank of America HomeOutlook is a trademark of Bank of America Corporation.Veronica Rodgers,''I'M SORRY, DID I ROLL MY EYES OUT LOUD?Here's To Our Past, And Presents(s) Always.
Seasons Of Joys, Pains, Dances In The Rain, Birds, Bees, Bugs, Counting Heads.Life on the stages, good times, horse and pony shows, green lights, luck of the Irish. 5151: Made in America.

If you spend most of your internet time arguing about why other people’s causes aren’t legitimate, you’re my #1 argument against all your pts.

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