Sunday, November 12, 2023

Not Dead Yet, Life, A Work In Progress.A Raising Star Or Two.

 Practice problems to share, classes on the shores of time and space. Happy notes taken on frogs and freaks. Hazes of lies from land whales.

Thank God for everything, eyes open right, views of the world.Your Highlights, Where’s Your Loyalty?Gain happiness. Desert View.Speck up, stand out, chances to talk, write your heart out.

Cannabis and Conversation.Lost and found, free wills, to give up something that you love, how to start over, bitterness takes a turn, hopes and wishes in the air.I 'asked my Grandma "what's good for headaches"... She said "staying away from the mf who gave it to you"'.Fruits and Nuts:
May be an image of guitar

We really appreciate you being a loyal customer and helping to share the word about us. We’re here for you anytime.Thank God for everything...

Biblical stories, the birth of Christ, hooked not married, brought a bastard in the world in a barn. Same story told eight times around the world.
May be an image of indoors

Unfortunately, Spruce is completely unreliable.Shit shots, to add UCC 1, from a termination, a wait for seller to sign. It did not happen in Cali, seller would not sign, and the house is pending.‘THE REFUSAL,’DAN EVANS - IRVINE, CA.Track and Field Images Shared Online, Annie Tagoe, 🇬🇧, 4x100m relay. Budapest 2023. Chaps and cheers, rocks to roll, gems to find, brothers and sisters, notes to take, walks in the shadows, waiting for the lights in the sky. 9:45 every night, would you like to go. CHARITY | From "demon people" to ... - Good In Sweet Tips 2020. Trust ... - Snakes And Frogs, Dicks Out Of The Box, Donkeys To ... Life on the stages, good times, horse and pony shows, green lights, luck of the Irish. 5151: Made in America .Do You Know, Jack. Coins to toads, roads to paths,ships of fools on the water. Good ties, good time frogs, god times, waves of words to share. Sons to shine, jacks and balls in a bag, marbles all gone, boys and the toys, over the years. DRINK DEEP, of the Grail, of (((WISDOM)))Dances on the beach. Holiday party July 4 ,2023. Retired and relaxed good times.HELLO MEMBERS.. FaceTime: Sinners And Saints,Sons To Shine: Diamonds, Or Not..HAVE NICE DAY."Words to the Wise: 5 Cents To Spare, Porky Pigs".

Losing yourself, all is lost. fun and games.Frog, snake, worm, good looks to spare, and drugs to trade for the oral attention of an oral expert on craigslist..Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses.

My Throw back mama back in the day! (1980) I was a Senior in HS and 18 and she was 38! Looking FLY!!! I LOVE you MAMA! Yep I’m yelling

End of life for a sinner or a saint, Sima and Sheri Jarrot, lovers for life. Heads in sands of time. Donkeys and dogs, monkeys in packs, the ...
333Smith, Uritza Smith, Reese, Names Of Frogs And Freaks, Tags And Labels, Hats And Horns, Sinners And Saints. Just Saying...Magic Madness, glory holes open wide, freaks, frogs, spiders and worms, another great day alive. Heads up, lions to roar, good time toads, salads to toss, donkeys and monkeys in packs.

for rachel JUST MY OPINION,A mitzvah is not just a good deed.Which led us to ask, if the Spice Girls existed today, how else would they reflect today’s cultural currents?Just Saying...Magic Madness, glory holes open wide, freaks, frogs, spiders and worms, another great day alive.

Heads up, lions to roar, good time toads, salads to toss, donkeys and monkeys in packs.True friendship takes us by the hand and reminds us we are not alone in this journey

Living Large, Blue Skies, Angels In Hosts: Dreams.PART ONE: A CHILD OF FIRE. End of life for a sinner or a saint, Sima and Sheri Jarrot, lovers for life. Heads in sands of time. Donkeys and dogs, monkeys in packs, the ...

THAT'S A PRETTY BIG DEVELOPMENT!SEND IN THE CLOWNS, TO THE LEFT, JOKERS TO THE RIGHT. Once our Service Transfer team fully transfers your Sunrun service agreement to the new owner, the home solar installation can stay in the home.Spruce PowersInto The Woods, Into The Water, Into The Dark:
May be an image of elephant and text that says 'CLOWNS TO THE LEFT JOKERS TO THE RIGHT'
333Smith, Uritza Smith, Reese, Names Of Frogs And Freaks, Tags And Labels, Hats And Horns, Sinners And Saints. Just Saying...Magic Madness, glory holes open wide, freaks, frogs, spiders and worms, another great day alive. Heads up, lions to roar, good time toads, salads to toss, donkeys and monkeys in packs.

for rachel JUST MY OPINION,A mitzvah is not just a good deed.Which led us to ask, if the Spice Girls existed today, how else would they reflect today’s cultural currents?Just Saying...Magic Madness, glory holes open wide, freaks, frogs, spiders and worms, another great day alive.End of life for a sinner or a saint, Sima and Sheri Jarrot, lovers for life. Heads in sands of time. Donkeys and dogs, monkeys in packs, the ...

Heads up, lions to roar, good time toads, salads to toss, donkeys and monkeys in packs.True friendship takes us by the hand and reminds us we are not alone in this journey.Not Dead Yet, Life, A Work In Progress.A Raising Star Or Two.

 Living Large, Blue Skies, Angels In Hosts: Dreams.PART ONE: A CHILD OF FIRE. Temecula Valley Home Team, and Danial Evans, run out of time, no agency after 2 months.LOTS OF BALLS IN AIR: NUTS AND FRANKS, FACES IN THE HERDSDICKS, DAWGS 2.

Not Dead Yet, Life, A Work In Progress.A Raising Star Or Two.

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